Cherub Choir - Lakeview United Church
3200 McCallum Avenue, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, S4S 0R8 (306) 586-7844

 2004-2005 Season
Date Venue Pieces Remarks
September 17, 2004 Initial Rehearsal - 4:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall - 
new members welcome
Whole Choir
October 17, 2004 Sunday Worship Service Thank you, Lord
God who put the stars in space
Whole Choir
October 31, 2004 Sunday Worship Service My God is so big
King of the Jungle
Whole Choir
November 21, 2004 Sunday Worship Service This is the day
The Joy of the Lord
Whole Choir
December 12, 2004 Sunday Worship Service If I were a shepherd
Ding, dong, ding, dong
Whole Choir
December 17, 2004 last rehearsal - details to be arranged
January 7, 2005 rehearsals resume
February 6, 2005 Sunday Worship Service The Paralysed Man
In Galilee beside the sea
Whole Choir
March 13, 2005 Sunday Worship  Service Jesus needed helpers
Shout for God      sound clip
Whole Choir
April 10, 2005 Sunday Worship Service We love
God's love is deeper
Whole Choir
May 8, 2005 Mother's Day brunch (in gymnasium after worship service) I am the church
My God is so big
King of the jungle
Whole Choir
May 15, 2005 Sunday Worship Service - end of season Can we be sure?
Go Tell
Whole Choir

 Directors: Margaret and Ron Hopkinson
3519 Queen Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, S4S 2G1 (306) 586-5489