Cherub Choir - Lakeview United Church
3200 McCallum Avenue, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, S4S 0R8 (306) 586-7844

 2000-2001 Season
Date Venue Pieces Remarks
September 10, 2000 Sunday Worship Service We are the Church Kick off to Sunday School
Whole Choir
October 15, 2000 Sunday Worship Service New day beginning
Thank you, Lord
Thanksgiving theme
Whole Choir
November 19, 2000 Sunday Worship Service Wiggly, Waggly Song
Let me be your servant, Jesus
Whole Choir 
December 10, 2000 Sunday Worship Service Stay awake, be ready
That boy-child of Mary
Whole Choir 
Christmas theme
December 16, 2000 Parkside Extendicare - 2:00 p.m. Whole repertoire with Xmas pieces including
A Christmas Carol
Whole Choir
December 22, 2000 Marian Chateau Seniors res. - 4:30 p.m. Whole repertoire with Xmas pieces including
A Christmas Carol
Whole Choir
December 24, 2000 Christmas Eve Family Service none choir free to take part in pageant
January 5, 2001 Friday rehearsals resume - 4:30 TBA new members welcome
January 21, 2001 Sunday Worship Service My God is so Big
Daniel and Jonah
Whole Choir
February 11, 2001 Sunday Worship Service Jesus Needed Helpers
All Around the World
Whole Choir
March 11, 2001 Sunday Worship Service Come! Come! Everybody Worship
Lord, listen to your children praying
Whole Choir
April 8, 2001 Palm Sunday Worship Service Children's Praise
Hosanna! the little children sing
Whole Choir
April 13, 2001 rehearsal cancelled - resume practices on April 20
April 21, 2001 10:00 am at Pioneer Village Nursing Home All repertoire Whole Choir
May 26, 2001 10:00 a.m. at Santa Maria Nursing Home All repertoire Whole Choir
June 8, 2001 Friday evening - perform at silent action and supper fund raiser Update - Event cancelled until fall  Whole Choir
June10, 2001 Sunday Worship Service I have Fingers
Jesus put this song into our hearts
Whole Choir
June 24, 2001 Sunday Worship Service - Church Picnic Wiggly, Waggly Song
My God is so Big
Whole Choir
June 24,2001 Sunday Evening Farewell to the Hoffmans and Karen Lumley Go Tell - sound clip
We are the Church
Whole Choir

 Directors: Margaret and Ron Hopkinson
3519 Queen Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, S4S 2G1 (306) 586-5489